Alek O., Cristian Andersen, Lupo Borgonovo, Anne Bourse, Maurice Pefura, Marisa Tesauro
There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in
15.1.22 – 19.2.22
Opening 14 January, 6 – 9 pm 
Press release: EN – IT

“For a brief moment, a breach opens up quietly in the night of our lives; a shower of light floods the soft ground of our habits. Everything comes together, the prodigious and the banal in one. A work takes shape before our sleepy eyes.” [Leonard Cohen]

This type of experience is recollected by Martina Simeti Gallery, bringing together six international artists and reconfiguring part of the history lying between humans and their objects. Alek O’s broken mirror, Cristian Andersen’s lamp in search of balance, Lupo Borgonovo’s carpet, Anne Bourse’s pocket theatre, Maurice Pefura’s disconcerting panels and Marisa Tesauro’s delicate ceramics all come from very far away. They go right back to the dawn of time.

Our cracks are not borders. They are not imperfections. They lift us up, filling our sails. And the light seeps in through our cracks. We are comforted, reconciled with ourselves and with the great Whole alike.

For there is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.