Martina Simeti

Since the gallery was established in 2018, Martina Simeti has cultivated an interdisciplinary program. Martina Simeti is deeply involved in the production process together with the represented artists, working actively to generate new opportunities for exhibition beyond its own walls.

Via Benedetto Marcello 44 – 20124 Milan
Wednesday – Friday 14.30 – 18.30
Saturday 14.00 – 18.00

SPS – Simeti Project Space

SPS was established in 2024. It’s jointly run by Archivio Turi Simeti and Martina Simeti. SPS hosts initiatives by artists and designers. The space is viewable from the street at all times and open by appointment.

Via Seneca 4/6 – 20135 Milan
Open by appointment

Martina Simeti is part of the Milan Art Community – MAC
Tel. +39 02 36513 326
Instagram: @martinasimeti

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