Every day our dreams, expectations, desires and anxieties are captured, scrutinised, monetized and sold back to us. Do you have ideas or do ideas have you? Simone Weil famously refuted ideology during WW2 while paradoxically killing herself for an ideological cause. A presidential campaign was won with the simple audacity of hope. One could fancy oneself as a rugged Marlboro Man on the frontier or an employee on a zero hours contract loading stored artworks into a Swiss freeport.
Jasmine Gregory’s works in this new exhibition mirror and play with these unkept promises which result in these materially and conceptually fragile works. Gregory is clearly appropriating this bank advert presumably to satirise the young artist’s position in the market, with wildly unpredictable career precarity and neutrality and the promise of meritocracy (hello American dream!) masking actually existing material conditions and class relations. [Excerpt from the text by Steven Warwick]
© Martina Simeti, 2025